Sacred Geomancy is the work of healing
and supporting the land.
Sacred Geomancy is a form of divination to access information about the levels of stress in the land; the quality of underground water, the health of Leys and for healing levels of distress being experienced in specific locations.
‘Sha’ or negative energy underground can cause emotional distress and physical illness in animals and humans and causes vegetation to struggle to thrive. You can often spot a ‘sha’ line of underground dark water in a line of trees with dead branches. Fun fact: moles avoid ‘sha’ water so if you have molehills you have good land.
The sacred geomancer can locate, identify and heal negative vibrations in the land, assisting healing for spirits, souls and bodies.
Maggy has trained with Richard Creightmore and Jewels Rocka of Land & Spirit and can work both in person at your home, office or local area or remotely online.
She was inspired to begin this work after the dowser who had helped her through illness and negative experiences caused by living in a house built over a Second World War bomb site, died (it was old age; he was entitled!). She began by trying to help students who were experiencing discomfort in their homes and found that she appeared to have a knack…
Geomancy training, like studying Kabbalah, is always ongoing. There is always something new to learn, more to unravel and to restore.
Cheryl and her partner live in Carlux, France, a mile away from the ruins of a 12th century castle. On visiting, I connected with the Spirit of Place and asked permission to dowse. I then asked to be shown any areas of distress.
I found three unhealthy water lines under Cheryl’s land and a distressed Ley Line running directly from the castle through the house. Earth Acupuncture work with willow and oak wands cleared all negative energies and brought Grace and relief to the land.
Cheryl’s response:
Dear Maggy We can’t thank you enough for the time you spent in and around our home, and specifically for clearing the space in our garden, which had been neglected for many years before we moved in. You were able to identify and transmute so many negative energies in such a short time, leaving us free to begin to create a beautiful calming space to share with the deer, birds, foxes and our other animal neighbours. I’m sure it’s no coincidence that since your visit, our beloved feline companion’s anxiety has pretty much disappeared, and dare I say that the relationship between us humans has become that much more harmonious too? Some of these changes have been subtler than others, but all are significant and our lives are better than before. Much love Cheryl and Jem.
Geomancy can involve:
Finding water
Finding archaeological sites
Identifying and eliminating negative energies causing neighbour issues
Releasing trapped earth spirits
Releasing ghosts
Locating physical and psychic boundaries
Placement of objects, such as ponds or furniture
Design of sacred spaces
Communicating with elementals.
Prices for dowsing and healing start at £80.
For more details, please email