One of my jobs as a minister and a prosperity teacher is to make sense of that rather strange book, the Bible. At first glance it (particularly the Old Testament) is a minefield of a judgemental God and horrible happenings. But the Bible is the written document of an inner teaching and mystics learn to read it at four different levels.
These are:
- Literal (what may actually have happened)
- Allegorical (the moral behind the story)
- Metaphysical (what this means in your life)
- Mystical. (what this means in humanity’s spiritual development).
Here’s an example of a deeper interpretation of a verse in Genesis”
‘And the Lord said unto Abram after that Lot was separated from him,‘”Lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art northward and southward and eastward and westward.
For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever.’”
On a literal take, it’s God giving Abram land … no matter who might be living on it at the time (Abram is Abraham before his name was changed later in Genesis).
Allegorically it includes the fact that Abram and Lot could not live together because there were not enough resources to support them. They parted in peace, each to find his own land – that’s possibly a message to us not to over-strain the land or resources which are available to us.
But it gets more interesting (always!) at the higher two levels.
To understand that, it’s good to look at the language in which it was written and the three key words are the ones translated as ‘land’, ‘see’ and ‘seed.’
Hebrew is a pictorial language and each word means more than a simple translation.
Erets, translated as ‘land’ comes from from a root meaning ‘to be firm.’
Ra’ah, translated as ‘see’ also means perceive or exhibit (demonstrate).
Zera, translated as ‘seed’ also means all that you sow
So a mystical interpretation could be:
‘And the Existing One/Source said unto Abram … “Lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art northward and southward and eastward and westward.
For all the reality which thou perceive, to thee will I give it and to thy projects/ideas/beliefs forever.’”’
What this means to me is that everything I believe to be real; everything I look at or listen to or give attention to every day, is what God/Source will offer to me tomorrow … and every day afterwards if that is where my focus remains.
Why not contemplate what it means for you?
For humanity, I truly believe that it means that we have to focus on the good, to raise our sights and our vibration to heal all that is sick … rather than focusing again and again on the problem, we need to focus on the solution.
The Bible is all about the Law of Attraction. What you put your mind on grows.