Maggy Whitehouse


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The Truth about Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene by Janet McKenzie. Mary Magdalene has always been one of the most misunderstood – and unfairly reviled – women in religious history. She is still misinterpreted by those who wish her only well and who see her as the Holy Grail, the wife of Christ. Her...

Our Brave New World

I’m reading a book by Neil Postman, called Amusing Ourselves to Death. It’s a bit of an eye-opener… I’ve suspected this for a while but it’s still chilling to read about it. We spent decades fearing 1984 – George Orwell’s book...

Abortion and the Human Soul

Creation by Harmonia Rosales The reasoning behind the decision to overturn Wade vs Roe – and for all anti-abortion campaigning is all about the sanctity of human life. Humans, are made ‘in the image of God,’ according to the Bible – and life begins at conception...

Lucifer, Lysistrata and the Supreme Court

As half of America reels from the turning over of Roe vs Wade and the other half gloats, can we find a deeper message in here? And can we find a way forward? I think so. We have to sift through much rubbish, including misogyny and kindergarten religion (my...

Wade vs Roe and the Scapegoat

The Adulteress by Guercino.   You can always tell kindergarten-level religion because it focuses on the Sins of the Others, focusing on making them behave better. Heck, if you can change laws to stop the Others sinning, you’ll go to heaven, right? Um… Kindergarten...