Maggy Whitehouse


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Abram and the Land

One of my jobs as a minister and a prosperity teacher is to make sense of that rather strange book, the Bible. At first glance it (particularly the Old Testament) is a minefield of a judgemental God and horrible happenings. But the Bible is the written document of an...

Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of Hell.

“People often asked Dr. [Carl] Jung, ‘Will we make it?’ referring to the cataclysm of our time. He always replied, “If enough people will do their inner work.” This soul work is the one thing that will pull us through any...

A Christian Apologia

It has come to the point where I want to apologise for being a Christian; where I feel embarrassed to be a minister in a sea of prejudiced, inaccurate and archaeic law-quoting hypocrites. It’s not just right-wing America using Christianity as a justification for...

A Life of Miracles

                                                                              Click here for Maggy’s Life of Miracles...

The Spirit and the Law

Question: Have you ever wondered why God stopped speaking to us 2000 years ago? Answer: (to be accurate, it’s more of a Jewish ‘answer a question with a question’ kind of thing) What makes you think that God has stopped speaking to us? The only...