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Courses Autumn 2024

Kabbalah & the Cry for Myth

A six-part online course beginning Thursday 24th October
AND a weekend intensive in Devon 25th-27th October.

You may have noticed that humanity has become increasingly unbalanced and addicted to instant-hit pleasures which cannot sustain us. 

We have lost our centre; the foundation of which is our understanding of the relationship between ourselves, God, the Universe and our planet.

While there is much that is wrong with organised religion, human nature needs a core; a perennial wisdom;  in order to hold itself balanced and to stand in the light. We have a need to wonder, to stand in awe, to revere and to praise. This is vital both for our own healing and the World’s. Without religion, it must be myth.

Kabbalah & the Cry for Myth examines the archetypes and truths held within the patterns of the Universe and the great stories of humanity. Myth is not fantasy; it is the eternal wisdom that helps lead us from our egoic selves through our shadow to a profound and comforting truth that supports life rather than death.

Myth is much more important and true than history. History is just journalism and you know how reliable that is — Joseph Campbell.

The ego defines itself by attachments and revulsions. What it hates more than anything else is to change—when the present situation isn’t working or is horrible, we do more and more of what does not work leading to addiction. Myth teaches what does work.


Part One: What is Myth?

‘I don’t know if it happened and I don’t know if it didn’t happen but I know that the story is true.’ This is the heart of myth: stories which carry a deep perennial teaching often hidden in plain sight.

Fairy tales are frequently myths. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White and many more hold deeper truths than may first be perceived. The patterns repeat in books such as Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.

Today we examine the stories we learnt as children and the stories we seek out nowadays. There are negative myths too which bear investigation.

Part Two: Patterns of the Universe.

The Universe essentially operates on mathematical principles. God however does not. The Universe gives back what is put out; God offers Grace. It is Grace that provides the miracles within myth — and without myth we won’t learn about Grace.

Myth also works in patterns which is why it is so helpful to use Kabbalah to unravel the inner workings. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life shows the patterns of the Universe and how they affect each and every one of us when we don’t use our free will. The pattern is simple: construction, deconstruction, reconstruction. ‘Everything’s fine; everything has fallen apart; there’s a journey to new realisation; everything is rebuilt in a way that genuinely is new and improved.

Today we outline some of the major patterns that our planet, and solar system, operate by, including astrology.

Part Three: Archetypes.

No one is just one archetype. Every one of us holds at least twelve but the most common include the child, the martyr, the warrior, the prostitute, the hero, the crone, the monarch, the magician and the rebel.

Archetypes are both positive and negative. The most powerful archetype in the world today is The System which works for both good and for ill.

Today is an examination of archetypes within and without us and how this knowledge can help us move from who we think we are to who we truly are.

Part Four: Deconstruction & Lament

Myth tells us we can’t move toward hope, peace, transformation, and reconciliation without going through sorrow, mourning, regret, and lament. When our worlds fall apart – in major or minor ways – we have three choices: we can weep and wail and accept and step up to move on but in a different world; we can deny the pain and send it deep within. This can be through saying ‘I’m fine’ and refusing to change or by fighting the situation – which will take you into further negative energy; or by becoming the classic victim/martyr who feeds off the power the problem has given them.

Today we look at these three archetypical behavious and at the importance of grieving fully before letting go.

Part Five: Building Blocks

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life clearly shows us the levels of ego, self, soul and spirit in the human psyche. Often it takes at least one crisis to even tempt us to look within at the negative patterns we (been taught to) adopted early in life to keep us safe within tribe and family.

Today we look at the myths and stories that show us the way and the structure we can use to lift ourselves towards the light which constantly shines for us all.

Part Six: Guidance & Allies

Moving up towards the soul and genuinely opening to spirit takes great courage. It is not a game with tame angels and ego-led signs which simply confirm that we are fine as we are.

We are fine as we are and we are not. We are perfect and flawed. There is always the opportunity to seek and find a better way.

Within myth are the clues as to how to find spiritual energies that genuinely are there to support and guide us. They are there because the Source can be too bright and too scary for most of us on our journey. It takes the discernment of Gevurah and the love of Hesed to walk through the Valley of Death but once we know that there is a path, the destination is assured.

The online course runs at 8pm every Thursday for six week from 24th October on Zoom. It will include guided meditations.

Each session is recorded and sent to participants via We Transfer so you do not have to attend live.


The weekend retreat takes place in the heart of West Devon countryside and, weather permitting, will include a visit to a stone circle.

You will be welcomed into Maggy’s home for supper and the introductory session on Friday evening. 

Sessions run from 10.30 to 5.30 on both Saturday and Sunday. They will cover the same subject matter as the online course and include practical exercises.

There are plenty of AirBnbs close by and we will be happy to collect folk from Okehampton Station and take them to their lodging on arrival if necessary. Breakfast can be taken at the workshop if needed and both lunch and snacks will be provided. Vegetarian food. Please give advance warning of any food intolerances. 

Price for both courses: £350.

Further details: