by Maggy Whitehouse | Jul 17, 2021 | Spirit
If you have a name that contains only one different letter from that of someone famous, that person is always going to loom large in your life. The human brain will leap to the familiar every time. It might not be so bad if you were called George Glooney or Merl...
by Maggy Whitehouse | Nov 14, 2019 | Spirit
Picture by the Four Wheeled Legend. I got a bad review for a corporate comedy gig I did. And I mean a really bad, one-star review. Fair enough. These things happen. The lady was quite right in one thing she wrote: I did misjudge the audience — and to be fair to me, I...
by Maggy Whitehouse | May 23, 2017 | Spirit
When you get to appear on TV or radio talking about faith, you’re almost certainly going to attract a few folk who are worried about your immortal soul and whether you’re ‘born again’ or a false teacher. That’s exactly what happened this...